
Episode One - The Beginning

Just like you and me, everything in the universe follows the cycle of birth and death, creation and destruction. From the smallest atoms to the grandest galaxies, all things have their time, their moment of emergence, and their eventual demise. It's a fundamental law of nature Everything decays. Nothing is forever. From Birth, to Death, From Start, to finish, From Creation, to Calamity. Darkness and silence, nothing but a faint light coming from above, the source of this light is uncertain. Outside of this light, a void of unknown. Out from the shadows emerged a dimly lit entity. Appearing as if it just manifested from nothingness. Soon after another appeared next to it. This happened repeatedly until gradually, an audience of mysterious cloaked beings circled the outer rim of the light and began to chant in an unfamiliar tongue. They gently floated around this circle of light, staring down beyond the ground. The chanting continued and the ground opened up to reveal a man, battered and bruised. Skin ripped from his body, covered in dirt. Wearing nothing but a few tattered rags keeping his dignity. He floated in the center of the group, then one of the beings came forward and spoke out. “This is not the end.” A surge of power coursed through the man's body, jolting him awake with a sudden gasp as his eyes shot open. He held his arm to his face, shielding his eyes in the sudden transition from darkness to light. A horrible stench of decaying flesh assaulted his senses, shooting up his nostrils and causing him to recoil in disgust. After allowing his eyes to adjust for a few seconds, he was greeted to consciousness by a disturbing sight. The man awoke to find himself being dragged across a rough desert terrain, his awaking vision filled with the grotesque sight of the back of a hideous monster. Its skin, parched and devoid of moisture, hung in folds down its spine, rippling with each movement. Long, slender appendages protruded from its shoulders, lifting its lifeless torso above the ground as it trudged forward. The man looks down his body to see this monster's claw-like hand gripped tightly around his ankle. Pulling him across the sandy terrain. Up ahead, the man caught sight of a large mound constructed of bones and other unidentifiable, fleshy substances. The monster appeared to be heading straight for it, suggesting it might be some sort of nest or den. The man knew he didn't want to stick around to find out. He began to wriggle and strain against the grasp of this unsightly monster. His entrapped leg waving around frantically in an attempt to break free, summoning every ounce of his strength. With a quick and hefty jerk the monster's limb tore away from its body. Skin peeling away in strings of flesh and what seems to be blood, flying off in every direction. The rotten bone, cracking and snapped off, leaving it imbalanced and collapsing to the ground before the man. The claw of the detached arm remained firmly gripped round his leg. Digging into his flesh. He leans forward with gritted teeth, to force the vice-like claw apart, prying its barbed pincers apart as flesh peels off his leg. “Aaaarrrg!” The man's anguished scream pierced the air as he fought against the searing pain, his muscles burning with immense agony as he finally managed to wrench himself free from the monstrous appendage. As he stumbles back, gasping and panting from the adrenaline surging through his body, he witnesses the sight of the creature's body, convulsing and jerking around on the floor in front of him. From the wound of the damaged appendage, the skin began to pulse and bubble from underneath. Then, in a grotesque display, before his very eyes a new arm sprouts forth, emerging from the raw, pulsating flesh, emerging with a sickening squelch that sent shivers down his spine. The man watches, shocked and stunned in motion, eyes wide open, shivering in horror. The monster slowly rises from the ground, its movements disjointed and jagged as its bones lock into place. Its bulk heaves and sways as it regains its footing. Turning ponderously, the monster's form shifts to face the man. The face was lifeless, large empty dark holes where eyes should be, the mouth, a wide gaping void. Hanging under its neck a large meat sack, a useless mass of what was once a body, with miniature motionless arms and legs just drooping off like cancerous growths. The dark soulless eye sockets stare deeply at the man. The creature then gives out a haunting howl. From its back, more patches start to bubble and pulse. Two more appendages burst out from beyond the flesh of the monster. This creature was alert and ready for a chase. The man shuffled backwards along the ground, his feet losing grip on the shifting sand underneath. In the distance, he heard more howls joining the first, sending a shiver down his spine. For the first time, he looked around to examine his surroundings and was horrified to discover that he was amidst a herd of these monstrous creatures. They shifted and twitched around him, their grotesque forms contorting as they formed new limbs from their hideous vessels, their empty eyes fixed upon him with an unsettling hunger. The monster nearest to him raised its claw-like hands, the man knew it was time to make his escape. With urgency driving every movement, he scrambled and scuffed, desperate to flee from the ungodly threat looming over him. Despite the pain and agony coursing through his body, he pushed through, summoning every last vestige of strength he possessed he started to run as fast as he could, determined to outrun the relentless pursuit of the monstrous creatures. Stumbling at every other step due to his injured ankle, the man fought to keep his balance as he fled. The monsters, though quick, were clumsy in their pursuit, their lifeless torsos swaying and tipping with each stride. They stumbled over the rough terrain, tripping over protruding rocks and sand, yet their determination allowed them to quickly regain their footing and resume their relentless chase. The haunting wails and cries of the monsters grew louder and closer, their rigid limbs creaking as they closed the distance. Running out of breath, running out of energy, the man felt the weight of desperation pressing down upon him. He knew he had to act quickly, to find a way to break free from the clutches of these demon-like beings before it was too late. Up ahead, the man could see some cliffs and canyons looming in the distance. Perhaps he could lose them there. Amongst the tight spaces and twisting turns, there might be a chance to shake off his pursuers. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he pushed onwards, despite the pulsing pain coursing through his body. But in one misstep, his foot caught an unexpected rock protruding from the ground, sending him tumbling to the floor. He slammed headfirst into the deep orange sand, emitting a hefty grunt as the impact knocked the breath out of him. As he rolled over, he watched in dread as a couple of the monsters scattered towards him, their grotesque forms closing in. The only thing running through his mind was the haunting question: Could this be the end? So this is it. The man lay there, battered to near defeat, he clung to hope amidst the suffocating presence of doom. Stranded alone on this foreign desert, surrounded by an ocean of dark orange sands, he felt the weight of despair pressing down upon him. Above, the eerie crimson-red sky stretched endlessly, its glowing warmth offering little solace as the sun beat down mercilessly, intensifying his struggles. Every aspect of this desolate place cried out in dread; even the foliage could not survive in this barren wasteland. Dead trees and bushes, stripped of any life, dotted the landscape, serving as grim reminders of the harsh reality of this place—a dried-up pit of sand and stone devoid of hope or respite.